Ee SiEw BroUgHt HeR oWn TiSSuE PaPeR aNd ReFuSeD tO uSe ThE oNe iN tHe ReSTaURaNt... sHe SaiD tHeRe iS a SmELL... Ya, wHaT sMeLL WaS iT? iT's a CrOcODiLe sMeLL~ KuBaNg BuaYa'S CrOcODiLe RoCkS WeStErN FoOd wE aTe... 2 ScOoPs oF iCe-CrEaM FoR mE aS DeSSeRt.. eRmM... EaSt GriLL TaStE BeTTeR i CouLd SaY...
WeNt FoR a RiDe aT tHe BeAcH aFtEr DiNNeR WiTh ThE GaNg aT CrOCoDiLe RoCkS... cReDiT tO tHe DriVeR oF tHe NiGhT- HoAy TeNg... wHaT MoRe CaN bE LoUdEr WiTh ThE PrEsEnCe oF uS? LiGhTeD tHe TraNQuiL BeAcH WiTh OuR NoiSe... CraZy iNdEeD...
aNd u kNoW wHaT?! FiNaLLy 说服 HoAy TeNg tO TaKe PiCtUrE...
ReGaRdLeSS MaNy sTaLLs SeT uP FoR SeLLiNg TriNKeTs aNd PoTraiT sKeTcHeS , ThE NiGhT ScEnE oF tHe BeaCh iS NoT aS ThE oNe iN ThE EvENiNg...
"If anyone doesn't get stunned by the beauty of the beach here than he/she must be blind.
If anyone doesn't be to Teluk Cempedak at Kuantan than he/she never been at Kuantan at all.
Ya, i HaD mY FiRsT GuiTaR LeSSoN, aNd iT WaS ...GrRrhH... NoT tHaT FuN aFtEr aLL... HaHa... iT TaKeS TiMe tO PiCk uP a HoBBy... cHeEriO, GuYs...
YeS, iF NoThiNg HaPPeNs, ToMoRRoW WiLL bE a BeTTeR DaY!!! oUr NeXt sPoT WiLL bE aT tHe BuDDHiSt TeMpLe 万佛殿 aNd oUr EvEnT WiLL bE FeEdiNg ThE FiSh aNd ToRToiSe tHeRe... SeEmS BoReD BuT u WouLdN'T kNoW HoW FuN iT WaS UnTiL u ReALLy eXpERiEnCe iT... WoW~
sHe sHoULd bE HaD DoNe WiTh HeR ExAmS ToDaY... HoPe eVeRyTHiNg iS FiNe...
WeNt FoR a RiDe aT tHe BeAcH aFtEr DiNNeR WiTh ThE GaNg aT CrOCoDiLe RoCkS... cReDiT tO tHe DriVeR oF tHe NiGhT- HoAy TeNg... wHaT MoRe CaN bE LoUdEr WiTh ThE PrEsEnCe oF uS? LiGhTeD tHe TraNQuiL BeAcH WiTh OuR NoiSe... CraZy iNdEeD...
aNd u kNoW wHaT?! FiNaLLy 说服 HoAy TeNg tO TaKe PiCtUrE...
ReGaRdLeSS MaNy sTaLLs SeT uP FoR SeLLiNg TriNKeTs aNd PoTraiT sKeTcHeS , ThE NiGhT ScEnE oF tHe BeaCh iS NoT aS ThE oNe iN ThE EvENiNg...
"If anyone doesn't get stunned by the beauty of the beach here than he/she must be blind.
If anyone doesn't be to Teluk Cempedak at Kuantan than he/she never been at Kuantan at all.
Ya, i HaD mY FiRsT GuiTaR LeSSoN, aNd iT WaS ...GrRrhH... NoT tHaT FuN aFtEr aLL... HaHa... iT TaKeS TiMe tO PiCk uP a HoBBy... cHeEriO, GuYs...
YeS, iF NoThiNg HaPPeNs, ToMoRRoW WiLL bE a BeTTeR DaY!!! oUr NeXt sPoT WiLL bE aT tHe BuDDHiSt TeMpLe 万佛殿 aNd oUr EvEnT WiLL bE FeEdiNg ThE FiSh aNd ToRToiSe tHeRe... SeEmS BoReD BuT u WouLdN'T kNoW HoW FuN iT WaS UnTiL u ReALLy eXpERiEnCe iT... WoW~
sHe sHoULd bE HaD DoNe WiTh HeR ExAmS ToDaY... HoPe eVeRyTHiNg iS FiNe...