"aNyOnE CaLL mE i oSo LaZy 2 cHaT d..." 別人的事,我不管,我現在是什麼身份啊?
BuSy?! 到底是原因,還是藉口? 你到底在解釋,還是掩飾?
iF u aRe iNfRoNt oF mE RiGhT nOw, i'LL bE tHe 1St To GiVe U a PuNcH!!! ThAnKs FoR HuRtiNg mE sO DeEpLy, & NoW i KnOw wHaT iS tHe TrUe FeELiNg oF PaiN...
4. NuRSiNg HoMe --ViSiT tO NuRSiNg HoMe eVeRy SaTuRDaY MoRNiNg -- EaCh RePoRt a WeEk (ToTaL oF 4)
5. KaRaTe -- aSSiGnMeNt(sUbMiT b4 sEpT)
6. PhYsiO --oN9 aSSiGnMeNt(e-LeArNiNg) -- QuiZ oN 1St oF SePt (SuPeR uRgEnT!!! HaVeN sTuDy yEt)
7. cHeM -- LaB RePoRt -- QuiZ oN 2nD oF SePt (SuPeR uRgEnT tOo!!)
8. MiCrOBioLoGy --LaB RePoRt --QuiZ oN 24/9 (RaYa HaV tO StUdY Dy, CaN'T pLaY LiaO LoR)
9. HoLiDaY pLaNs -- oPeN uP mY pRe-oRdEr LeE HoM 'S <18> aLBuM** cOoL -- TVB DrAmA 《公主驾到》,《施公奇案 2》 -- MeEt uP SiN yOoNg***(SuPeR iMPoRtAnT) -- MeEt uP KuAnTaN'S FriEnDs (Ee SiEw, yEe JuN, HoAy TeNg, zHeN YiNg, LeE HoOnG, Mei LiAn) -- bEaCh, BeAcH, BeAcH (i WaNa FLY KiTeS, aNyOnE iNtErEStEd?) -- StUdY uP MiCrOBioLoGy (gOt QuiZ!!) -- CoMpLeTe rEsEaRcHs aNd RePorTs (On9 DiSCuSSiOn WiTh , aH 辉,CoCoNuT, SiN YeE) -- sLeEp, EaT(HoMeCoOk DiSh) -- BaDMiNtOn!!! -- CuT HaiR
"u didnt do serious thinking" "if u're so sure u dislike pharmacy, u must at least know where to go or what u wan next..." "if u know what is white colour, u must of course know what is black or not white..." same 道理
"even if u tell people, i wanna change pharmcay.." "yes u can,but what u wan?" "we cant think or decide for u de...we can let u quit, but what u wanna do next?" "u cant convince people to let u quit if u dunno what u wan, unless if u know strongly and say "i wanna quit pharmacy, because i wanna do this (anything) course.." "the reasons, i dislike these subjects in pharm..." "after thinking bout future working environment, i dislike being in a hospital, counselling patients, talk bout drugs,i dun like explaining bout drugs seeing patient get well after listening to me, i wont be happy..."
"instead i wanna study acc...acc i can count, audit..." "i like to present my ideas, my concept, my calculation to the boss..." "i like to work in an office,doing things involving the comp..." "i dun like to work with a bunch of doctors, nurses,always explaining bout drugs..."
"is not say we wont let u quit,but u cant convince us,u understand ma?" "we feel that if u quit, like u also dunno where to go, then how can we let u quit and how?" "stay home and do nothing until one day u think of what u wan?" Life iSn'T tHaT WaY!!! "everything must come with reasons before u proceed, and will u regret it?" "big decisions like this has no turn backs de,we need confirmation from u, prove that u really hate it, prove that u really want another specific subject so certainly without regrets..."
"if u can do this, tell us this, i'm sure dad and mum will let u go..." "at least they know, oh mae is very serious, she think of what she wants in life dy,she give us solid reasons why she doesnt wat, we have to be responsible for our decisions because in the end u urself have to face all the consequences, u alone, not us... that is why it is important that u decide"
"we cant decide for u de, mae~" "we can only give moral support and financial back up, later at the job world,it is u facing people at work, not us de~"
"u can always change ur decisions, but if ur unhappiness is because of other people around u, because of the surrounding...we cant change the others..." "always is we adapt to people, adapt to the environment,never in this world when u are unhappy, people will change for u, surrounding will never change for u..." "this is where u struggle, u change ur own thinking and decide..." "is quitting really helps to make u happier?" if yes, go ahead!! "we shall surely support u... If without a clear target, we cant let u go... "u're now in a boat u think has holes and buruk..." "but if u say u wanna change another boat without us seeing there is a better boat in front, we wont fang xin to let u abandon this old boat, because u'll get lost in the sea, drunk..."
" if we see another new better boat for u, why wont we let u go?" "u need to let us know where is that better boat..." "u're like in a sea with at least one boat now, u sure u wanna switch? search for a better boat?" "slowly ba, private is available anytime..." "just that we need to know ur choice clearly because once u abandone this one and only boat u're standing, later when u wanna turn back, it wont be there anymore..." "this is one thing u must know,if really u find a better boat, u're happier, then u tell us..." "we will let u go, just we also need to see where is the new boat..." "we especially mummy and pa wanna make sure that new boat is really good for their daughter ,it is their responsible to help u see whether good or not..." "but once seeing,they can only tell u, this boat is good, or this boat is got good got bad then u must decide wanna change boat not..." "we can only tell u what we see, we cant help u to step inside de" "cos u're the one facing the storms and all, we can only support u..."
"so u think properly, ok ma?" "dun so stress, got way out de" "u dun wan pharmacy also got way out..." "we just wan u to arrive at shore, not lost in the sea, or die in the old boat because of sadness..." "u are in our family, we want to see u sail successfully, with a smile on ur face and when u reach the shore, u can tell us, mum and dad and sis, i sailed safely and dont worry bout me anymore u understand ma?" "we also want the best for u, we cannot let u lost in the middle..."
aTTeNd My SuPeR SuPeR SuPeR SeNiOr'S CoNvO 2DaY... ToP LeFt : 『ZhE YiN』mY CoUrsEMaTe, 『Er zHeN』mY SuPeR SeNiOr(3Rd YeAr), 『mEi TiNg』,mY DiReCt SeNiOr (FoRMaL a BiT, HeR 身份iS NoT mY SiS 2DaY) BoTToM LeFt : 『LiNg LiNg』mY SuPeR SuPeR SeNiOr(4tH yEaR), tHe oNe iN JuBaH,DuN NiD tO iNtRoDuCe La, mY SuPeR SuPeR SuPeR SeNiOr(grAdUaTeD) aNd mE...
mY pHaRMiLy iN USM... DuNNo wHeN oNLy i CaN GraDuAtE?! HaiZz... sTiLL HaV a LoNg JoUrnEy To Go...
i rEaLiSe i'M sTuDyiNg SoMeThiNg i rEaLLy DuN LiKe... HaiZ... 习惯就好...aNyThiNg La... eVeRyOnE iS HaPPy BuT nOt Me... 习惯就好...Dai LoU, u rEaLLy DiN rEpLy Me De LoR... HaiZ... DiSSaPoiNTeD... 习惯就好...
ToDaY心血来潮,SuDD ThOuGhT oF mY FriEnDs...
eVeRyOnE iS LeAviNg SoOn... LoU Po Zai oN tHe 29Th oF aUgUsT tO TaiWaN aNd PriSCiLLa oN tHe eNd oF SePt To UK... YoR~ cHaT a LoT WiTh PriSCiLLa oN tHe pHoNe YeStErDaY aNd i WaS HaPPy!!! YaY!!
PriSCiLLa, sTiLL CaN MeEt uP B4 u LeAvE,DuN WoRRy... 2 WeEkS aT KuAnTaN DuRinG RaYa, sCaRe u SeE mE uNTiL SiEn oNLy... LoU Po Zai, i MiSS u a LoT a LoT... eE SiEw, vRy FaMoUs iN UKM LiAo... TeNgKu aFZaN dE 明日之星!! PrOuD oF u~ ThX FoR CaLLiNg, WhEn u SeE tHe tELePhOnE BiLL, u DuN TeRKeJuT aR... HaHa... YeE zHeN YiNg, aS uSuAL, pLaY 失踪,sMs oSo DuNNo HoW 2 RepLy De...WaiT i gO BaCk kUaNtAn OnLy FiNd u 算账~JuZ KiDDiNg Ny... ThX FoR uR eNcOuRagEmEnT... WaT u SaY WaS sO TrUe aNd mEaNiNg... cHoNg SiN YoOnG, u rEaLLy DaT BuSy mEh? 伤得我最深的人就是你了~HaiZz~ TaKe CaRe La,mY DeAr...DuNNo WaT tO SaY LiAo... ReMeMBeR,i'M sTiLL WaiTiNg FoR uR SmS... Dai Ka JiE a.K.a OnG HoAy TeNg, MiSSiNg iN aCTiOn SiNcE JuNe, CaN'T eVeN CoNtAcT u... iF u SaW tHiS, pLeAsE CoNTaCt Me La...你联络我啦,我给你骂我,你找我啦~来啦,来啦~我有话要跟你讲! 徒弟仔 aKa yEe JuN, eVeRytHiNg FiNe? HoPe wE CaN MeEt uP DuRiNg RaYa La... 师父仔 MiSs u... zYu WeNn, DuNNo WaT tO SaY, JuZ SuDD MiSS uR sMiLe... sTaY HaPPy La... EnJoY uNi LiFe La...