The Retarded 1

iF FriDaY HaS a FaCe, i WoULd JuSt HaVe PuNcH iT!

Sometimes being alone is always better than being together
& pretending that you are happy...
i rather pay for a game of basketball machine than seeing all the morons singing K... 
Retarded indeed...

Stop assuming that u are bringing your car to USM and u think you are rich...
Hell No! 
i started to sit Mercedes since i was 8...
What's your Kenari or Proton to me? It's just NOTHING!

Stop assuming your RM400+ hair is expensive...
Hell No!
People are just teasing you, and you think that you are rich... 
Darn FED UP with the people here...
Please la, connect your tongue to your brain before you talk!

1 Response
  1. William Says:

    LOL... RM400 hair really REALLY expensive for me loo... i din set my hair like this b4~~~

    AND if i can drive the car here... will be GOOD for me... Even KANCIL or motor... not to show off... BUT can make me more easy to go anywhere loo...有车真好~