tHe sTaRt oF mY NiGHtMaReS...
Monday, November 09, 2009
ToDaY iS tHe FiRsT DaY oF 2Nd SeMeSTeR~
LeCtUrEr aLL cHaNgEd... cLaSSMaTeS aSo aLL cHaNgEd...
SaD tO SaY, i'M tHe oDD 1 iN mY LeCtUrE HaLL... i JuZ CaN'T GeT aLoNg WiTh tHeM...
aS EvErYoNe iS HaPPy BoUt tHe NeW cLaSS aRRaNgEMeNt, BuT NoT mE... E NiNg, eE SiEw, LeE HoOnG, YeE cHiN aNd DiNaSoUr aRe iN ThE SaMe LEcTuRe HaLL..
aNd i?
LeFt oUt aGaiN...
LeCtUrEr aRe WoRSt tHaN mY PrEViOuS SeMeStEr'S LeCtUrEr... MuCh MoRe WoRsT... HaiZ..
2DaY iS oNLy tHe 1St DaY... ThErE iS MoRe To CoMe...
tHe sTaRt oF mY NiGhTMaReS...
there is hope for every sun rise
so there is hope for everyday