iNtErViEw + GaThERiNg

HaViNg JPA iNtErViEw aT 8am... SaMe GrOuP WiTh zYu WeNn.. OMG, vErY PrEssUrE CaUsE i KnOw sHe'S aLwAyS GoOd aT SoCiALiSinG... WaT i PeRDiCt iS tRuE, zYuWeNn DiD aNsWeR VeRy WeLL BUt NoT mE...

oNLy 1 wOrD CaN CoNcLuDe mY iNtErViEw...


eVeRyThiNg iS oVer... So JuZ pRaY aNd HoPe FoR tHe BeSt...

PriSciLLa iS BaCk FrOm KL CaUsE sHe'S HaViNg JPA iNtErViEw 2mOrO... So wE HaViNg a YaM cHa SeCTiOn aT oLd ToWn KoPiTiAm aGaiN... SABS GaNg eXcEpT mE FrOm AfZaN... aH WeE DiN CoMe CaUsE ShE iS HaViN
g JPA iNtErViEw 2MoRo... aCtUaLLy DuN nEeD 2 pRePaRe La, i ReAd sO mUcH EssAyS aNd EvEn MeMoRiZe sOmE, BuT oNcE i SaW tHe iNtErViEwEr, WaT aSo FoRgEt... LiAnG mEi, i ThiNk Go A LeVeL dY..

JuN YeE, Li aNn, Ee YeNg, PriSCiLLa aNd SwEe YiE
(mE aS tHe PhOtOgRaPhEr)

JuN YeE, Li aNN, mE, PriSciLLa aNd SwEe YiE
(Ee YeNg aS tHe pHoToGrApHEr)
1 Response
  1. Elaine Says:

    I also did badly in mine, don't be too disappointed, u already did what u can, if get then good but if didn't get also its ok, I earn money to feed u la. (But better get ar, so that I don't have to earn double the amount of money to feed both of us, difficult to get money dy nowadays, financial crisis! =P) I'll pray hard hard for ur JPA de! =)